Why would a straight man want to play in a gay tennis league?

So, I started this article to articulate to my more “trumpian” lodge brothers that their understanding might be incomplete about a few things.

I toyed with tackling a “hot topic” issue like trans rights or abortion. But I wanted to make it more approachable for both myself and my target audience.

When I started playing tennis in the TLGTA, Toronto Lesbian and Gay Tennis Association I didn’t really know what to expect, nice people, probably but what I found was transformative to me. In the “community” I was able to put down survival tools that I’ve been carrying around for a lifetime. For instance, imagine a place where you don’t have to “put on a stiff upper lip”, stifle your emotions because you didn’t want to appear weak or worry about, well, anything. And to be honest, it’s bliss! The funny thing is that the transformation was so subtle that I might have missed it if I had not had a strange conversation with a senior brother that didn’t seem to see the entire picture in my opinion. Because the man I knew wouldn’t disregard someone else’s pain to save himself. So it is now my mission to do just that. Not by arguing but by presenting the facts and hopefully we all can have some meaningful discussions in the future.

I cherish the time I spend in the presence of the LGBTQ+ community (sorry if I missed anyone) because I didn’t know how many unconscious traits I was carrying around.

Thank you LGBTQ+ community for showing how to be a better Mason, husband, father and son.

Signs to watch for a mental health crisis in yourself or others

Good afternoon everyone,

As some of you know, I’ve been struggling with my mental health for the last eight months or so. What you and I did not know is that I’ve been struggling for decades but didn’t recognize the signs. If you or someone you know says any of the following, it could be a conscious or unconscious cry for help.

Recurring Nightmares

Forgotten conversations

Tension headaches

Suicidal thoughts

Inability to say no

Always worried about losing you/their job no matter how well you/they are doing

Hemorrhoids that don’t go away or are recurring

Grinding of teeth at night

Broken teeth from night grinding

Tenson in parts of the body that stays or lingers

Racing thoughts

Replaying conversations over and over

They are practicing conversations before they happen for hours. Because they want to make sure they are understood.

Mental Health is something that we don’t talk about enough, and because of that, people suffer needlessly. Let’s break the stigma!!!

Christmas Holidays

As most people are waiting for Christmas, I’m looking forward to Vipassanna in January. It’s been a year of ups and downs and the thought of 10 days of self reflection fills my heart with joy. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to seeing my niece and nephew opening their Christmas presents and hanging out with my in-laws but 10 days in silence meditation sounds perfect. Somewhere over the past year or so I lost my practice and I’m missing the calming and centering effects it produces.